Our Team Page is up and Running

We’ve finally got our team page up on our site. On it, we present our team of writers so you can get to know them a little.

We want you to get to know us, so we all wrote a short snippet to portray the type of person we are and how much we love to help you. It’s not up to us to convince you that we’re here for you – it’s up to you to decide. Having a face or two to help with your decision is what our team page is all about.

For the moment we have “only” three full-time team writers: Alex, Melvin, and Patrick. We’re a group of writers and editors who are young and motivated to teach people to dress correctly using color.

We believe that the world is gray enough and that we could brighten up our lives by simply adding more color to our clothing. But what’s the problem with colorful clothes? Yes, they don’t always match or fit!

This is where COLOBUX comes in. It’s our goal to give you ideas, formulas, and inputs to learn how to use colors to make the impressions you want to make when wearing color.

Colors influence so many things we do and even more of the signals we send. Have you ever heard the saying: “There’s no second chance to make a first impression”? Well, it’s true… Making first, second, third (and so on) impressions are really easy with clothing color. Let us show you how easy.

Get to know the Team at COLORBUX, so you know we mean what we say.


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