In Love With our 4-EVER Guarantee

We are proud to offer our customers a guarantee on all our physical products - for life! The rules are simple:

Buy a product, have it shipped to you, and if you don't like it, you can send it back; Even if it's 50 years after your purchase! We're serious. That's how much we trust in the quality of our products.

It doesn't matter if the product is damaged, worn out, or is still in perfect condition. As long as you send it back to us and we receive it, you will get a full refund.

This promise is very rare and unique, especially in the world of fashion and apparel. We don't know of any other company that offers an actual lifetime guarantee forever - at least not off the top of our heads.

There is one problem, though: There might be customers that are inclined to return products just for the fun of it. This is why we can only refund after we have successfully received the wares.

Also, all return costs due to shipping and handling must be paid by the customer themself. Don't fret, though; We are known to reimburse somehow additionally should a customer truly not be satisfied.

Lastly, all though we discuss everything in this article, please make sure to read up on our Terms & Conditions before you purchase.

We are happy to be able to offer such a service and are crazy about it already. We hope you are, too.


Some New Products for the Season


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