Where are the products we sell manufactured?

The largest part of the socks we sell are made in China and some models are made in Taiwan. Our products are shipped directly to our warehouse Switzerland for storage.

From there, we are able to send our products to our Swiss customers using the regular postal service.

Why do You only ship to Switzerland?

Colorbux only ships their socks to Switzerland because we are based in Switzerland. We keep stock in-house and send out our products using the Swiss postal service. This way, we can keep shipping times low and our customers happy.

Shipment abroad takes ages to fulfill and doesn’t align much with our company’s policies of reduce carbon emissions to an absolute, yet still realistic, minimum.

What will the package you get look like?

Depending on the amount of products you order, you will get different looking packages. More often than not, the ordered goods come in a dark gray or black sealed plastic envelope with your address on it.

What is our 4-EVER Guarantee?

We are proud to offer you our unique 4-EVER Guarantee on all products. This means you can return any products you purchased from our store back to us and receive a full refund of the amount you paid – FOREVER.

Yes, you can return your ragged old COLORBUX socks 82 years or more from now and still receive a full refund.

There are a few restrictions, though. Be sure to read up on them in our Terms & Conditions.

But in short: If you bought from us and at any point want to return the item, you can send it to our warehouse address. As soon as we receive the package, you will get a full refund of the amount you initially paid for your order.

Why is it Almost always the same model in colorbux images?

Everyone can imagine how easy it is to fake written reviews. You can believe us when we say it’s even easier than you think. So, instead of showing you many reviews, that could might as well be fake, we show you in images and pictures that we love and use our products ourselves.

We test all of our products ourselves and wear them day after day.

By now you most probably know, that the model in almost all of our photos is also a co-founder and writer of our company (Patrick). He wears the products he drives his firm to sell EVERY SOCKIN’ DAY. If that’s not a review, we don’t not what is…

What is the difference between BASIC and PREMIUM socks?

PREMIUM socks are slightly thicker and more robust than BASIC socks. Their design is also more intricate and more often than not, PREMIUM socks are patterned and not themed.

The quality of the threading is better in our PREMIUM socks and they are bound to last longer. Since quality is a very important factor for us though, our BASIC socks too are well-crafted and made from high-quality jersey material.

Our customers are always, and have always been, very satisfied with either category.